Friday, November 4, 2011

Nov 4th

Today was one of those days where the offerings of home were so much more tempting than anything a trip in the car could bring.

Goose and I rarely find we have a day just to ourselves.  We are usually out and about shopping, catching up with friends, running errands.  Even at home, there is usually a million and one things to do.  Today, all those *things* were either already done, or not pre-arranged.  And it was wonderful.

Deb, our weekly household saviour arrived as she usually does, at half eleven.  A whirlwind of blessings with a vacuum and mop.  Goose and I moved out to work in the garden, so as not to be under her feet.  By the time I had finished pruning around the spot where the car is parked, it looked as though I'd moved the car a meter forward.  I reclaimed the paving edges and cleared the weeping maple from around the bins so now we can actually open the lids without getting kissed by the leaves.

Weeds were relinquished from their comfy spots amongst the ferns, between the vegetable seedlings and around the feijoa plants.  Mulch makes this job so much easier to keep on top of - I love.  Among my weeding and clearing, I came across a long forgotten bunny - blue I believe he was once upon a time.  He reminded Goose and me of Babu - a blue bunny of this size that was dropped from her pram when we were in the produce section of the supermarket, when she was maybe 18 months old.  She didn't have too many words at that point, but Babu was one of them.  He was a much mourned for loss.  As she got older and talked about him, we said he went to live with the avocados (we did look and ask and look and ask and leave our number at the time... we really missed him ourselves... to no avail).

So when we saw this wee bunny, we had to rescue him and give him a possible new lease on life.
He's currently soaking and will go through the wash.
It would be lovely to see him renewed.
Will let you know :o)

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