Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dec 25th

We began the day working out how best to cook this beast.  Having never done the turkey thing before - we thought "what the hell! Let's give it a shot" *laugh*


Lunch (and later dinner!).
Turkey was a little tasteless... not sure what we did wrong (if anything?).  Thank heavens for cranberry sauce!

Touching base and sharing blessings with family around the world

This pic sums up the feeling of the day *smile*

Dragon, dinosaur or monkey...?  She couldn't quite decide.  A little of all three?
(Thank you again Sarah :o0.  She only took it off to pee *grin*)

A garden perfectly unkempt for exploration "where the wild things are" style.

A delicious fresh beginning and a warming end to the day *sigh*.
Pudding and custard await me....
Blessings to you all xx

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