Tuesday, August 2, 2011

August 2nd

I'm not all that fond of spending more than 10 hours at home by myself.
Even when I'm working, I still like to look up and see someone there.  And having the option of using my vocal chords is always nice, too. (Okay, if I'm honest, I do talk to the cats, the computer, the stupid articles I read on fb from time to time...)

Such is my life on a Monday and Tuesday (and soon to be Wednesday).  They are my work days.  My schedule-nothing-exciting-just-get-your-butt-home-from-yoga-with-no-stops-along-the-way days.  More often than not, I *actually* achieve this, too!

I try my utmost to accept my solitude as constructive time to write - which it is.  And work hard at resisting the urge to seek out human company - wherever that may be (the supermarket is perfect for this), just to break the monotony of my own company.

I mostly do this because the sense of time-wasting that I feel as soon as I get to wherever I chose to go, to break up my day, hangs heavy.  So on the (all the more frequent) days where I maintain my solitude to work, I am grateful for the company of our kittens.

For keeping my feet and lap warm.  For having me in giggles at their outlandish, skittery-skattery antics.  For stretching up on my legs to touch noses with me for a die-it's-so-cute kitten kiss *swoon*.  They are actually quite wonderful company.  So much so I tend to forgive their gnawing on my book spines and sending my papers scattering when they scamper across them in full flight.

So, thank you Tilly, Lily and Jasper.
For your company, your cuddles and your kisses.

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