Monday, May 16, 2011

May 16th

Grateful for the freedom of choice.
Grateful for the freedom of speech.
Grateful for the freedom of autonomy.

Grateful for the lessons I have learned in self-responsibility.
Grateful for the lessons I have learned in owning my actions and accepting the consequences.
Grateful for the opportunities for these lessons to continue.

Grateful for the gift of love without being conditional.
Grateful for the ability to embrace without judgement.
Grateful for the gift of generosity in the face of adversary.

Grateful for friends who act as mirrors in my life.
Grateful for friends who remind me of the path of authenticity I have chosen.
Grateful for friends of strength and courage who walk alongside me.

Three events have occurred in my life in the last week, where all these things have been illustrated in vivid technicolour.  All three events have required me to pause, take stock of my position, consider what felt right in my heart and in my gut, and move forward in truth.

Simple, but not always easy.
But always resulting in an unhindered heart.

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