Wednesday, July 13, 2011

July 13th

It was another early start this morning, only this time, for work - rather than practice.
Ben helped me construct an organisational chart for the business today.
Another tool to help me prioritise my time and ensure that I spend equal time building content for the website as well as tending the social networking aspect of the marketing, which seems to be dominating my time at the expense of everything else.

A simple exercise, but so demonstrative in clarifying where I'm at, what roles represent the business and who's doing what.  Naturally, Ben and I are filling all roles at the moment.  But this chart of position hierarchy illuminates roles that could possibly be filled by others, as the business grows.
Very à la The E-Myth.

Have you read it?

A rule of business I learned many moons ago (heavens knows from where), was to start as you mean to go on.  In other words, put in place the structures you foresee your business needing in the future, right at the beginning.  Everyone starts small.  But if you plan small, you'll always stay small.  And if you don't stay small, you'll struggle to grow as fast as your business grows.  If you plan big, all your structures will be in place for when you do grow (which will be inevitable, as that is your intention *wink*).  So growing pains will be negligible.  That is one of the best things I took from this book.  Much wisdom in that one key.

So a bit of business followed by a 90 minute practice, followed by an afternoon of chillin' with my girl.  And now, a bit more business and then a bit of time with my man.  A perfectly balanced day, if I do say so, myself.  I might just be getting the hang of this.

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