Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sept 25th

We are currently thick in dark moon energy.
A time to withdraw, rest and recuperate.  A time of retreat, of healing and of dreaming the future.  The fallow time of the lunar month, a germinal period preceding an outburst of creativity and growth.  It's one of my most favourite times of the lunar calendar. Yep, you guessed it - because I like to retreat, rest and recuperate.

Two motorcycles.
Two couples deeply in love.
Long stretches of road flanked by magnificent scenery of bush and coastline.
No time restraints.
Cruise interrupted by nourishment and refreshment at the top of a very high hill, with views stretching for miles and miles, making the tiny city in the distance (the reminder of reality), seem very far away indeed.
A destination of luxury accommodation, preceded by two to three hours of soaking in mineral hot springs.  The only other thing on the agenda?  Dinner, white wine sangria and strawberry daiquiris.  And lots of talking nonsense and much laughter.  And a fair amount of lovin'.

What are you doing to rest and recuperate in your world, this shadow moon?

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