Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13th

This week has been a time of getting up close and personal with two of my least favourite P things:  Patience and Perseverance.

Dictionary definition of patience: the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.
Dictionary definition of perseverance:  steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
So, in other words, you can't always do everything you want to do perfectly or immediately Jo.  So give yourself the time and the opportunity to master it.  
I can't tell you how irritated I became just by writing that concept - let alone actually practicing it. *inhale in....... exhale out......*

My inability (thus far I hasten to add, perseverance and all that!) to get a handle on this craft, let alone master it, is driving me to distraction.  Every day (literally at the moment), I sit down with someone (often a different person) and capture some pointers.  I last anywhere from 10 minutes to half an hour before I throw my yarn and hook out of the metaphorical cot.
My answer to any issue I ever have in my life?  Buy a book. *laugh*

So today, I invested - no, sorry, WE (cos Ben is the bomb crocheter and needs references to increase his stitch repertoire!) invested in a new crafty book.  After spending 30 minutes reading up on technique, I realised the left brain in me needed to be satisfied before the right brain could do its thang.  I was attempting to stitch without first understanding the structure.  There is hope for me yet.  Watch this space....

We had a delightful day today.
A wonderful beginning - waking to the news of a brand new babe earthside!  Welcome Charlie Banjo and many congrats to Mel and family *squeeeee*!  (Wee Charlie shares a birthday with a gorgeous woman in our community... many birthday blessings Sarah *mwah*!).
We then hit the road to attend the Chillout Parade in Daylesford.
Lucy's first BGLTS outing and she loved :o)

And one of the best bits about today, was catching up with B and L again!

A day filled with rainbows is a pretty special day - and one I'm lovingly grateful for.

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