Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16th

Decluttering - how good does it feel?!

A friend put a shout out for a few household items she needed for her new share house.  Beanbags, toaster, sofa, cutlery, kettle, that kind of thing.  I asked Ben if he was happy on-gifting some of our double ups.  Items we had planned to keep for the holiday house (one of our ways of assisting the manifestation - talk about and set aside items like we already own it *smile*).  He was fine with it.  Lucy on the other hand pleaded her case for one of the beanbags.  One of her favourite games at the moment is leaping off the arm of the couch and plunging into the bag with a variety of different landings.

So I told C that we had a few items we were happy to gift.
A bottle of wine was offered up in exchange.  Now THAT'S my kinda trade!
While we were in the garage finding the items for C, we started revealing all sorts of things that we decided really must go.  Glassware, flatware, TVs, DVD players, computers, food processors, very expensive pans that do not work on our induction cooktop, pasta machine, bakerlite storage containers.

And my coffee machine. *sniff*.  I adore this machine.  But we really don't need two (well, especially as one has taken up residence in the garage).  Ben's is bigger and shinier and well, better.  My mind kinda likens it to Italy vs America.  Which is ridiculous, because Ben's machine is Italian also.  *sigh*.  I'm just sad.  I wanted to put an idiotic starting bid on it, to ensure it wouldn't sell.  He looked at me and said "Let's keep it.  We'll use it one day".  And while he's being very thoughtful and romantic, the fact of the matter is, it's excessive and unnecessary and I need to just harden up and let go.  "THEY'RE JUST 'THINGS,' WOMAN!"
So anyway, yes.  It's on with a more reasonable starting bid.
Here if you want a perve.

The other thing I got round to starting - is selling the baby clothes!
Finally!  It's been an annoying niggle in the back of my mind for AGES!  I've had them out of boxes many times, soaked them, washed them, dried them, sorted them, with the intention of photographing, and selling - and then piling them all back in the boxes again.  And I mean boxes.  There's about five that I could find today.

And tonight, I finished five lots of 3 kilo prepaid satchels.  All sorted, photographed, described and bagged up!  Ben just needs to upload them now and they'll be up for sale!  And that's the size 00 done.  Size 0000, 000, 1, 2 and 3 still to do.  *Gulp*

Guess what else I worked out tonight?!  How to attach my grannies!

It's not the pretty loopy kinda join that the pattern called for, but it does the trick and I quite like the border effect this join has given the squares.  I'm very grateful to my posse of online crafting gurus who helped with suggestions here, as I was so clearly blocked on how to do it,  So there we have it.  Onwards and upwards!  It's nearly done!!!!!!!

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