Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 7th

Tonight presented me with an experience that left me almost speechless.

We were invited to dinner tonight, the three of us.
Into the home of a woman who is recovering from recent pneumonia, and who is also fighting a number of other chest afflictions.
This woman is a wife and mother to four children, one or two of whom are also waging war on viruses that have invaded their wee bods.

Ben, Lucy and I were not the only dinner invitees tonight.  No, there were eleven adults and thirteen children in total that were being hospitably catered for - no small feat in the privacy of one's home!

The act that left me speechless?
Not long after arriving, Leesa, our hostess, presented me with a gift.

A gift with intention to support me on the next phase of my life - in my creative and productive pursuits.  A reminder of all things possible.  A gift that she had made herself.

I received this gift, merely minutes after she had given Lucy the most wonderful handmade gift!  Three sets of hair clips Leesa had fashioned herself, fastened to an oh-so-sweet hanging board for her room.

Now, there was no special occasion in our lives, with the societal expectation of the exchanging of gifts.  Nothing particular or out of the ordinary had occurred between Leesa's family and my own, in order to prompt this wonderful act.
Nothing like that at all.

But the love, thoughtfulness, kindness and generosity that was wrapped up in these two gifts, literally almost left me speechless.  To try to imagine where Leesa found the time, headspace, creativity and energy to create such beautiful gifts - all while caring for her ill children, caring for herself, preparing for a dinner party - on top of everything else a woman takes care of in her day to day life - well, you can understand my reaction, I'm sure!

To be blessed with such thoughtful and generous people in my life, has me so truly grateful.  The gift of being able to think of others when your own world is crazy upside down (and even when it's not!), is heaven-sent.  

Leesa, I treasure you in my life and I thank you for sharing the gorgeousness of your soul with me and mine xxx.

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